Mobility Scooters And HOAs: You Have the Power

10 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking at getting a mobility scooter and are currently living in an area run by a homeowner's association—whether you're a renter or owner—know your rights as defined by both the association's rules and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Sometimes you run across neighbors or HOA officials who are unaware of the difference between a mobility scooter and a for-fun motorized scooter, and the result can be a bunch of legal headaches for you. Read More 

In Home Physical Therapy: A Welcome Trending Change In Knee Replacement Protocol

31 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

According to the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, surgeons will be performing 3.5 million knee replacements annually by the year 2030. This will represent a six-fold increase from 2005. The current protocol for post-operative therapy has been extended stays in an inpatient facility for physical therapy, followed up with further outpatient therapy. Because of the extreme cost associated with inpatient physical therapy, medical personnel are now looking at utilizing in home physical therapy immediately upon release from the hospital. Read More 

Three Tips To Choosing The Right Medical Testing Lab

10 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you have any sort of medical related products that you want to bring to market, you will need to follow thorough steps to make sure they are safe for use and up to par. Through this research and development phase, the microbiology testing lab that you choose will be one of the most important decisions that you make. In this regard, there are a few points of focus that you should key in on when selecting a lab, to be sure that they are professional and equipped for the job. Read More 

How Do Kids Use It? 5 Often Overlooked Considerations For Choosing Indoor Playground Equipment

31 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Playground equipment is a type of purchase that seems simple, but actually isn't. If you're trying to shop around for modern playground equipment for an office or other space, take a look at some of these important issues that a lot of people miss. Ignoring these issues can leave you with a lot of headaches later. Structural Integrity and Fasteners Ask the playground equipment seller about installation—will the company come in and install the items for you? Read More 

Answers To Questions About Common Problems Your Oxygen Concentrator May Encounter

15 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

There are many people that suffer from severe breathing problems, and if you are one of these people, there is a good chance that you will require an oxygen concentrator. These are portable devices that can provide you with supplemental oxygen while you are out and about. However, there are many patients that are not familiar with these devices, and as a result, they may benefit from having the following questions about routine problems these devices may encounter answered. Read More